10/30/15 08:08
Voter Turnout in Bulgaria's 2015 Local Elections Is Third Highest Since 2009
The voter turnout at the local elections, which took place in Bulgaria on Sunday, is the third highest among all elections held in the country since 2009.
The voter turnout has also registered a slight increase compared to the last local elections in 2011.
According to the latest figures of the Central Election Commission (CIK), the voter turnout in the 2015 local elections stood at 53.6 %, while the corresponding figure in 2011 was 51.56 %.
The voter turnout in the local elections was also higher than in the 2014 early parliamentary elections (48.66 %), the 2014 European Parliament elections (35.84 %), 2013 early parliamentary elections (51.33 %), the 2011 presidential elections (51.83 % in the first round and 48.04 % in the run-off) and the 2009 European Parliament elections (37.49 %).
There had been a higher voter turnout only in the second round of the 2011 local elections (54.2 %) and the 2009 parliamentary elections (60.20 %).
The voter turnout in the referendum on remote electronic voting, which was held simultaneously with the local elections on Sunday, has increased almost twice from the voter turnout registered at the last referendum in 2013.
The voter turnout in the 2015 referendum stood at 39.67 %, while the corresponding figure in 2013 was 20.22 %.
The voter turnout has also registered a slight increase compared to the last local elections in 2011.
According to the latest figures of the Central Election Commission (CIK), the voter turnout in the 2015 local elections stood at 53.6 %, while the corresponding figure in 2011 was 51.56 %.
The voter turnout in the local elections was also higher than in the 2014 early parliamentary elections (48.66 %), the 2014 European Parliament elections (35.84 %), 2013 early parliamentary elections (51.33 %), the 2011 presidential elections (51.83 % in the first round and 48.04 % in the run-off) and the 2009 European Parliament elections (37.49 %).
There had been a higher voter turnout only in the second round of the 2011 local elections (54.2 %) and the 2009 parliamentary elections (60.20 %).
The voter turnout in the referendum on remote electronic voting, which was held simultaneously with the local elections on Sunday, has increased almost twice from the voter turnout registered at the last referendum in 2013.
The voter turnout in the 2015 referendum stood at 39.67 %, while the corresponding figure in 2013 was 20.22 %.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259555_Voter+Turnout+in+Bulgaria%27s+2015+Local+Elections+Is+Third+Highest+Since+2009+
Публикувана на 10/30/15 08:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259555_Voter+Turnout+in+Bulgaria%27s+2015+Local+Elections+Is+Third+Highest+Since+2009+
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