11/02/15 10:54
Kurdish Journalist Facing Deportation to Iran 'Beaten in Bulgaria'
A Kurdish journalist and activist risks deportation to Bulgaria from where he fears he might be extradited after fleeing Iran in 2008, a Kurdish media outlet has reported.
Kayhan Yosfi's asylum request has been refused by Swedish authorities who seek his deportation to Bulgaria.
Yosfi worked with Kurdish newspapers in Iran and was subject to "pressure and threats from the Islamic Republic of Iran," the website rudaw.net quotes him as saying.
"The regime has repeatedly threatened me. I fear being arrested and even hanged. Also, I fear for my family."
He admits to having used an illegal route via Bulgaria which was not decided by him. Entering into Serbia he was arrested and sent back to Bulgaria where he and other smuggled people were, in his words, "beaten by police and held in custody for 12 days."
Asked why he is afraid of being returned to Bulgaria, he says the prospect makes him "very worried", with police having taken some of his money apart from beating him. Additionally, he fears deportation to Iran from there. -
Kayhan Yosfi's asylum request has been refused by Swedish authorities who seek his deportation to Bulgaria.
Yosfi worked with Kurdish newspapers in Iran and was subject to "pressure and threats from the Islamic Republic of Iran," the website rudaw.net quotes him as saying.
"The regime has repeatedly threatened me. I fear being arrested and even hanged. Also, I fear for my family."
He admits to having used an illegal route via Bulgaria which was not decided by him. Entering into Serbia he was arrested and sent back to Bulgaria where he and other smuggled people were, in his words, "beaten by police and held in custody for 12 days."
Asked why he is afraid of being returned to Bulgaria, he says the prospect makes him "very worried", with police having taken some of his money apart from beating him. Additionally, he fears deportation to Iran from there. -
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259712_Kurdish+Journalist+Facing+Deportation+to+Iran+%27Beaten+in+Bulgaria%27+
Публикувана на 11/02/15 10:54 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259712_Kurdish+Journalist+Facing+Deportation+to+Iran+%27Beaten+in+Bulgaria%27+
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