11/03/15 07:34
Legatum Institute: Bulgaria drops to No 51 in Prosperity Index

Bulgaria has dropped to 51st position in the 2015 Legatum Prosperity Index worked out by the Legatum Institute think-tank. This is the worst position occupied by the country since 2009, as for comparison, back in 2010 the country was ranked 46th.
The chart ranks 142 countries and is topped by Norway, Switzerland and Denmark.
Although country’s general result is 51st, Bulgaria has equally bad performance in the different categories.
For instance, in terms of state of the economy Bulgaria is ranked 79th, while in terms of entrepreneurship and opportunities – 43rd; education – 44th; health of the population – 48th; governance – 81st; security – 42nd. In terms of personal freedom the country is ranked 96th, while in terms of social capital – 67th.
The annual Legatum Prosperity Index™ ranks 142 countries across eight categories: the Economy, Entrepreneurship & Opportunity; Governance; Education; Health; Safety & Security; Personal Freedom; and Social Capital.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259723_Legatum+Institute%3A+Bulgaria+drops+to+No+51+in+Prosperity+Index
Публикувана на 11/03/15 07:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259723_Legatum+Institute%3A+Bulgaria+drops+to+No+51+in+Prosperity+Index
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