11/04/15 08:00
Police were not neutral participants in the recent elections
“Police were not neutral participants in the recent elections,” chairman of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) Mihail Mikov said at a press conference.
He explained that today the Socialist Party held a meeting of the Executive Bureau. During the sitting was made a profound analysis of the results of local elections.
“There continue to be reported extremely serious violations, theft of elections and turning the election into a battle literally. More and more signals are being submitted for the involvement of the police on election day,” Mihail Mikov said.
According to him, the police responded and checked anonymous signals to neutralize the activists of the BSP.
“It is noteworthy that not only BSP participated in these processes. These elections crossed out the democracy in our country,” Mikov said.
He explained that the BSP has decided its groups in the country to invite councillors with BSP, Alternative for Bulgarian Revival (ABV) and Movement 21 to discuss the left joint policy.
“This will not be haggling over posts,” Mikov specified.
“Our elected councillors are opened to this type of negotiation. This will be a test of the policy which to be held in the respective municipal councils,” he commented further.
“The state budget is one of the invisible results of the recent elections,” Mihail Mikov, said at a press conference.
“The elections somehow covered what is imminent to happen in the country over the next year. There is a right budget, which will not be beneficial for the Bulgarian people. The trend for low rate of the GDP for redistribution of the budget strengthens its positions. If Europe redistributes 50% at the average, Bulgaria hesitates in between 37-38%. Probably it is on this background the social freezing of number of payments to people who most severely sustain the aftermaths of the crisis,” Mihail Mikov said.
In his words, our country continues indebting.
“This outlines futureless and lack of responsibility from the government. I will not ask how this will reflect on the demographic crisis. All these questions are on the backdrop of headlog increase of foreign debt of the country and credits absorption, without having any positive results for the country,” the BSP leader said further.
He explained that today the Socialist Party held a meeting of the Executive Bureau. During the sitting was made a profound analysis of the results of local elections.
“There continue to be reported extremely serious violations, theft of elections and turning the election into a battle literally. More and more signals are being submitted for the involvement of the police on election day,” Mihail Mikov said.
According to him, the police responded and checked anonymous signals to neutralize the activists of the BSP.
“It is noteworthy that not only BSP participated in these processes. These elections crossed out the democracy in our country,” Mikov said.
He explained that the BSP has decided its groups in the country to invite councillors with BSP, Alternative for Bulgarian Revival (ABV) and Movement 21 to discuss the left joint policy.
“This will not be haggling over posts,” Mikov specified.
“Our elected councillors are opened to this type of negotiation. This will be a test of the policy which to be held in the respective municipal councils,” he commented further.
“The state budget is one of the invisible results of the recent elections,” Mihail Mikov, said at a press conference.
“The elections somehow covered what is imminent to happen in the country over the next year. There is a right budget, which will not be beneficial for the Bulgarian people. The trend for low rate of the GDP for redistribution of the budget strengthens its positions. If Europe redistributes 50% at the average, Bulgaria hesitates in between 37-38%. Probably it is on this background the social freezing of number of payments to people who most severely sustain the aftermaths of the crisis,” Mihail Mikov said.
In his words, our country continues indebting.
“This outlines futureless and lack of responsibility from the government. I will not ask how this will reflect on the demographic crisis. All these questions are on the backdrop of headlog increase of foreign debt of the country and credits absorption, without having any positive results for the country,” the BSP leader said further.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259807_Police+were+not+neutral+participants+in+the+recent+elections
Публикувана на 11/04/15 08:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259807_Police+were+not+neutral+participants+in+the+recent+elections
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