11/08/15 08:23
I will start consultations on budget 2016 with all parties next week: Minister Nenchev

There aren’t any protesting people in Bulgaria’s Armed Forces, Bulgaria’s Minister of Defense Nikolay Nenchev said. In his view, the decisions about the budgets and the social rights of the ministries are taken in the country’s National Assembly and not in the streets. Minister Nenchev assured that he was in constant contact with the commanders of the divisions of the Bulgarian Army as well as with the Chief Commander of the Bulgarian Armed Forces President Plevneliev. The Ministry of Defense received a draft project of the 2016 budget. According to preliminary parameters, the budget for defense would see a 1.36% increase in 2016, Minister Nenchev said. Next week Minister Nenchev is to initiate discussions with all parties represented at the National Assembly in relation to the social benefits of the military officers provided under the draft budget for 2016. Nikolay Nenchev specified that he already met with the members of the Defense Committee at the National Assembly. He acquainted the MPs with the pressing problems of the Bulgarian army and received support from the Bulgarian Parliament members.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260023_I+will+start+consultations+on+budget+2016+with+all+parties+next+week%3A+Minister+Nenchev
Публикувана на 11/08/15 08:23 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260023_I+will+start+consultations+on+budget+2016+with+all+parties+next+week%3A+Minister+Nenchev
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