11/08/15 08:50
PM: Bulgaria Has Potential to Be Among Best Sport Destinations on Balkans

According to Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Bulgaria has the conditions and potential to become among the best sport destinations on the Balkans.
In his official Facebook profile, Borisov reminded that several years ago the number of sports halls could be counted on the fingers of one's hand and were in poor condition.
On Friday, the prime minister attended the consecration of the multi-purpose indoor arena Kolodruma (the Velodrome) in the city of Plovdiv together with the city's reelected mayor Ivan Totev and district governor Zdravko Dimitrov.
Borisov highlighted that he had committed himself to provide funding for the hall during his first term as prime minister when the project was extended and financed with BGN 15 M.
During his second term, the government provided additional BGN 12 M, Darik radio quotes him as saying.
The arena houses the only indoor velodrome in Bulgaria, which is among the most modern and largest ones on the Balkans, sports hall, concert hall, place for different events, car park, commercial parts, laboratory and a medical cabinet, all facilities compatible with international standards.
The arena spans three subterranean levels and two ground levels, has a playing field for 25 kinds of sports and its capacity for large-scale events can reach up to 7530 people.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260030_PM%3A+Bulgaria+Has+Potential+to+Be+Among+Best+Sport+Destinations+on+Balkans
Публикувана на 11/08/15 08:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260030_PM%3A+Bulgaria+Has+Potential+to+Be+Among+Best+Sport+Destinations+on+Balkans
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