Are plans for bonus cuts in Bulgaria’s judicial system likely to trigger new conflicts?

This was followed by prompt responses. The Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court Georgi Kolev categorically said that the retirement bonuses should be kept. His argument was that the difference between the number of the employees at the judicial sector and the Interior Ministry is huge. The Bulgarian Judjes Association came up with the statement that the recent proposals of the authorities to cut the bonuses in this sector are due to a complete lack of strategic thinking and political responsibility.
The protesting policemen are now vulnerable, because they used some primitive methods of protest and blocked without warning some key crossroads and road arteries in Bulgaria’s big cities, thus turning most of the Bulgarian society against them. Secondly, they are subordinate to strictly centralized structure at the Interior Ministry and carry out orders. And those who fail to obey commands are subject to disciplinary procedures, including dismissals. The claim of some syndicate leaders that if the financial bonuses of the employees are cut, many policemen would leave the system of the Interior Ministry, are not likely. Let us assume that this scenario happens indeed. Where all employees would go? The private security sector does not pay enough. According to observers and analysts, the cabinet is very likely to deal with this protest after moments of confusion.
However, things in Bulgaria’s judicial system are different. The system is independent and its employees do not carry out orders. The magistrates would never resort to any forms of spontaneous protests and would not give a reason to the authorities to attack them. That is why Bulgaria’s Justice Minister touches with velvet gloves. Minister Ivanov recently said the following: “I am delighted that the discussion within the Supreme Judicial Council regarding the whole package of bonuses and efficiency measures has started. We will be able to hold a discussion on this topic in 2016”, Minister Ivanov concluded. However, this is a very long period and the situation may take another turn by end 2016.
Author: Atanas Tsenov, BNR
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