11/09/15 07:33
Bulgaria’s VM Finance Group Wins Most Outstanding Family Business in CEE Award

Bulgarian entrepreneurs Vassil and Alexandra Mirchevi, owners of VM Finance Group, have won the Most Outstanding Family Business in Central and Eastern Europe Award of Vienna-based Gutmann Bank.
They have also received Gutmann Bank awards for Charity in CEE and Best Family Business in Bulgaria.
Mirchevi won the big prize in competition with 65 other family-owned companies from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and Russia.
“As Bulgarian nationals, we are proud of receiving the big prize in competition with the best family businesses in Central and Eastern Europe,” Vassil Mirchev, board chairman and CEO of VM Finance Group, commented on manager.bg. “This is recognition for our work, for the common aspiration of our companies to improve management and introduce more effective strategies.”
VM Finance Group is managing 12 companies in Bulgaria and abroad operating in various sectors of the economy: fast-moving consumer goods, services, construction and technologies. The group has more than 1,200 employees. Vasil and Alexandra Mirchevi own Manager magazine as well as manager.bg and obekti.bg websites.
As part of its private banking activities in CEE, Bank Gutmann – itself a family-owned enterprise – specialises in serving family-owned businesses in Central and Eastern Europe.
“The Gutmann Award recognises best practice models and highlights the criteria that are crucial to the success of family businesses,” Gordian Gudenus, the Bank Gutmann partner responsible for the Family Business Owners Service, said last year. “They can serve as role models in their region.”
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