11/10/15 10:51
Bulgaria Deputy PM: Budget 2016 provides more than BGN 2 bln expenses compared with 2015

“If you look at the figures provided under Budget 2016, you will see that there will be a little bit more than BGN 2 billion expenses compared with 2015,” Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for Demographic and Social Policies and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Ivalyko Kalfin said speaking for the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR).
“Around one-fourth of these two billions will go for the social sector, as the bigger part of the money will be spent on pensions and their revision,” the Deputy Prime Minister explained.
“The rest of the money will be allocated to the security sector where the investment will aim at boosting the quality of the material resource the officers work with,” Mr Kalfin added.
He commented further that one part of the sum was allocated for the education, too, where the money would be spent on teachers’ salaries.
“Around one-fourth of these two billions will go for the social sector, as the bigger part of the money will be spent on pensions and their revision,” the Deputy Prime Minister explained.
“The rest of the money will be allocated to the security sector where the investment will aim at boosting the quality of the material resource the officers work with,” Mr Kalfin added.
He commented further that one part of the sum was allocated for the education, too, where the money would be spent on teachers’ salaries.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260124_Bulgaria+Deputy+PM%3A+Budget+2016+provides+more+than+BGN+2+bln+expenses+compared+with+2015
Публикувана на 11/10/15 10:51 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260124_Bulgaria+Deputy+PM%3A+Budget+2016+provides+more+than+BGN+2+bln+expenses+compared+with+2015
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