11/14/15 11:08
Bulgarian entrepreneurs expect 32.6% less investments in 2015

An investment business inquiry of Bulgaria’s National Statistical Institute carried out among industrial enterprises in October 2015 shows that the entrepreneurs in Bulgaria expect to make 32.6% less investments in the current year in comparison with the previous 2014.
According to the main industrial groupings, the highest relative share in expected investments in 2015 is taken by the energy and water-related industries (33.7%), followed by industries producing intermediate goods (31.9%) and industries producing non-durable goods (20.4%).
By the business inquiry data a decrease of the volume of investments in the industry over 2016 by 2.4% in comparison with 2015 is predicted, as about 36% of the enterprises do not plan any expenditure on acquiring fixed assets over the next year. In the structure by main industrial groups again the energy and water-related industries formed the highest relative share - 39.4%. They are followed by industries producing intermediate goods and industries producing non-durable goods with 32.4% and 15.7% respectively.
According to the direction of investments in 2016, the highest share is expected to be these for replacement of worn-out equipment - by 29.3% of the total amount of investments in industry. On the second place by 29.1% share are the planned investments for an increase of production capacity followed by these for mechanisation or automation of existing production processes and for introduction of new technologies - 24.2% and for protection of the environment, safety measures, etc. - by 17.4%.
As regards the factors ‘demand of production’, ‘financial resources or expected profits’ and ‘technical factors’, that may influence on managers’ decisions for investments in 2016 prevail the positive assessments on impact - ‘stimulating’ or ‘very stimulating’. In the group ‘other factors’6 24.7% of the respondents indicated their influence as ‘stimulating’, 38.4% of them abstain from assessment and 24.8% answer that the factor does not impact.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260349_Bulgarian+entrepreneurs+expect+32.6%25+less+investments+in+2015
Публикувана на 11/14/15 11:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260349_Bulgarian+entrepreneurs+expect+32.6%25+less+investments+in+2015
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