11/16/15 08:15
Not only Europe is under terror attack: Bulgarian media expert

“Not only Europe is under terror attack”. That is what Maria Stoyanova, member of the Council of Electronic Media (CEM) and experienced journalist, commenting on the series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris, said in an interview with FOCUS News Agency.
“Terrorist attacks were carried out in Manila some time ago, which were very similar to the ones in Paris. The U.S.A. became a target of Al Qaeda yet in 1991-1993, which resulted in that ominous September 11 when the World Trade Centre in New York was hit. Then London and Madrid, and now Paris have become the target of bombers,” Maria Stoyanova said.
“It doesn’t mean that terrorist are unbreakable, though. Fight against them is very hard indeed, because the main power of the so-called Islamic State is the weakness of its opponents. Opponents of the self-proclaimed ISIL are not united. But we should not forget that jihadists already have suffered serious damage,” she said.
“The biggest and symbolic loss that the so-called Islamic State had suffered was in the Syrian city of Cobane, where Islamists were defeated by the Syrian and Iraqi Kurdish fighters. For this helped the American bombings, too. The price of this victory, however, was very high and it is that the city is completely destroyed. The bombings in Paris showed us that we have a desperate need for a new and unified approach to protect our European freedom,” she stated.
“Terrorist attacks were carried out in Manila some time ago, which were very similar to the ones in Paris. The U.S.A. became a target of Al Qaeda yet in 1991-1993, which resulted in that ominous September 11 when the World Trade Centre in New York was hit. Then London and Madrid, and now Paris have become the target of bombers,” Maria Stoyanova said.
“It doesn’t mean that terrorist are unbreakable, though. Fight against them is very hard indeed, because the main power of the so-called Islamic State is the weakness of its opponents. Opponents of the self-proclaimed ISIL are not united. But we should not forget that jihadists already have suffered serious damage,” she said.
“The biggest and symbolic loss that the so-called Islamic State had suffered was in the Syrian city of Cobane, where Islamists were defeated by the Syrian and Iraqi Kurdish fighters. For this helped the American bombings, too. The price of this victory, however, was very high and it is that the city is completely destroyed. The bombings in Paris showed us that we have a desperate need for a new and unified approach to protect our European freedom,” she stated.
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Публикувана на 11/16/15 08:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260412_Not+only+Europe+is+under+terror+attack%3A+Bulgarian+media+expert+
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