11/17/15 11:07
11% of newborn babies in Bulgaria premature: specialist

“11% of newborn babies in the country are premature,” said Dr Tanya Pramatarova, head of a department with the neonatology clinic at the Maychin Dom specialised medical establishment in the capital Sofia, speaking for FOCUS News Agency in relation to World Prematurity Day and the issue of premature births in Bulgaria.
The expert commented there was a trend towards an increase in the number of premature babies in Bulgaria and the problem was worsening in Bulgaria.
“A total of 11% of newborn babies in the country are premature. This percentage is higher in our hospital – between 19% and 20%, which is understandable as women from all over the country that could have premature babies come here,” Dr Pramatarova stated.
She pointed out to the fact a pregnancy might not be well monitored as the main reason for premature birth.
“Pregnancies have not been monitored very well since the so-called “female consultations” were suspended. So, this problem is increasing. Infections are the reason for some 80% of premature births. Therefore, pregnancies need to be monitored and timely measures have to be taken,” the medical expert was explicit.
“Besides infections, there could be some congenital disorders, such as thrombophilia, which appears to be not that rare and could lead to premature births, miscarriages, and others,” Tanya Pramatarova said, adding only monitoring a pregnancy carefully was the manner in which preterm or premature birth could be prevented.
The expert commented there was a trend towards an increase in the number of premature babies in Bulgaria and the problem was worsening in Bulgaria.
“A total of 11% of newborn babies in the country are premature. This percentage is higher in our hospital – between 19% and 20%, which is understandable as women from all over the country that could have premature babies come here,” Dr Pramatarova stated.
She pointed out to the fact a pregnancy might not be well monitored as the main reason for premature birth.
“Pregnancies have not been monitored very well since the so-called “female consultations” were suspended. So, this problem is increasing. Infections are the reason for some 80% of premature births. Therefore, pregnancies need to be monitored and timely measures have to be taken,” the medical expert was explicit.
“Besides infections, there could be some congenital disorders, such as thrombophilia, which appears to be not that rare and could lead to premature births, miscarriages, and others,” Tanya Pramatarova said, adding only monitoring a pregnancy carefully was the manner in which preterm or premature birth could be prevented.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260471_11%25+of+newborn+babies+in+Bulgaria+premature%3A+specialist
Публикувана на 11/17/15 11:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260471_11%25+of+newborn+babies+in+Bulgaria+premature%3A+specialist
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