11/17/15 11:08
Bulgarian Socialist Party only oppositional force in Bulgaria with clear course of actions: leader

“Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) remains the only oppositional force in Bulgaria with a clear course of actions, which was confirmed by the National Council,” said Mihail Mikov, Chairperson of the BSP National Council, speaking in an interview with FOCUS News Agency.
In his words, the subject of resignations replaced the big questions, namely whether the left-wing will follow the same path or the leadership will not be backed.
“The National Council provided an answer. I have had the chance to speak to lots of comrades countrywide these days. Support for the course of actions is clear, no matter how painful it is for some members of the party or people not belonging to it,” Mikov noted.
“It impresses those not wishing to take a look at themselves or their results speak in the loudest voice – they [the results] are not only because of the [current] state of the BSP but also due to the ability to make on-site assessments. If there is a thing I regret as regards the [latest] National Council is that no one referred to the good experience of the 60 municipalities in which the BSP has mayors as well as of those over 80 municipalities in which the BSP enjoyed more support than its main political opponent – the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB). No one wants to speak about that and the truth is there. How could these people manage to achieve results the BSP should be proud of in this environment?,” Mihail Mikov remarked.
He added when a discussion was held in the National Council and when there was fair voting, the decisions of the respective body were to be observed.
“”Namely this indicates the BSP makes decisions with its structures, not unilaterally or with a small group of individuals believing to be the most important ones in the party,” the politician stressed.
In his words, the subject of resignations replaced the big questions, namely whether the left-wing will follow the same path or the leadership will not be backed.
“The National Council provided an answer. I have had the chance to speak to lots of comrades countrywide these days. Support for the course of actions is clear, no matter how painful it is for some members of the party or people not belonging to it,” Mikov noted.
“It impresses those not wishing to take a look at themselves or their results speak in the loudest voice – they [the results] are not only because of the [current] state of the BSP but also due to the ability to make on-site assessments. If there is a thing I regret as regards the [latest] National Council is that no one referred to the good experience of the 60 municipalities in which the BSP has mayors as well as of those over 80 municipalities in which the BSP enjoyed more support than its main political opponent – the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB). No one wants to speak about that and the truth is there. How could these people manage to achieve results the BSP should be proud of in this environment?,” Mihail Mikov remarked.
He added when a discussion was held in the National Council and when there was fair voting, the decisions of the respective body were to be observed.
“”Namely this indicates the BSP makes decisions with its structures, not unilaterally or with a small group of individuals believing to be the most important ones in the party,” the politician stressed.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260472_Bulgarian+Socialist+Party+only+oppositional+force+in+Bulgaria+with+clear+course+of+actions%3A+leader
Публикувана на 11/17/15 11:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260472_Bulgarian+Socialist+Party+only+oppositional+force+in+Bulgaria+with+clear+course+of+actions%3A+leader
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