11/23/15 11:22
Bulgaria has no place in anti-IS coalition: ex-intelligence chief

“Bulgaria has no place in a coalition against the Islamic State (IS),” said General Brigo Asparuhov, former director of Bulgaria’s National Intelligence Service (NIS), speaking Monday for Radio FOCUS.
According to him, Bulgaria should not join a possible ground operation in the Middle East but concentrate its efforts on protecting its own territory.
If a “coalition of the willing” is formed against the IS, Bulgaria could provide logistic support, Asparuhov believes.
“We are a NATO country but do not have military aviation, tanks; our army is not in a good state. Bulgaria should keep cool at such a time and weigh up its means, including the financial ones,” Brigo Asparuhov noted.
According to him, Bulgaria is not sufficiently prepared to protect its own territory.
According to him, Bulgaria should not join a possible ground operation in the Middle East but concentrate its efforts on protecting its own territory.
If a “coalition of the willing” is formed against the IS, Bulgaria could provide logistic support, Asparuhov believes.
“We are a NATO country but do not have military aviation, tanks; our army is not in a good state. Bulgaria should keep cool at such a time and weigh up its means, including the financial ones,” Brigo Asparuhov noted.
According to him, Bulgaria is not sufficiently prepared to protect its own territory.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260777_Bulgaria+has+no+place+in+anti-IS+coalition%3A+ex-intelligence+chief
Публикувана на 11/23/15 11:22 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260777_Bulgaria+has+no+place+in+anti-IS+coalition%3A+ex-intelligence+chief
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