11/24/15 08:40
Bulgarians Least Happy with Accomodation in EU Despite High Home Ownership Rate

Most people in the EU were owners of their dwellings last year, official statistics showed on Monday.
More than two-thirds (70.1%) of the population in the EU lived in owner-occupied dwellings, while 29.9% were renting their dwelling, according to data released by the EU statistical office, Eurostat.
In Bulgaria, the owners/tenants ratio was 84.3/15.7 percent.
The highest shares of the population owning their dwelling were registered in Romania (96.1%), Slovakia (90.3%) and Lithuania (89.9%). At the opposite end were Germany, where 52.5% of the population owned their dwelling, followed by Austria (57.2%), Denmark (63.3%), the UK (64.8%) and France (65.1%).
Population in Bulgaria had the lowest satisfaction with accommodation with a score 6 out of 10. Non-EU Serbia scored 6.2, while EU members Greece and Latvia each scored 6.6.
The highest satisfaction with accommodation in Europe was registered in EU member Finland, followed by non-EU Switzerland. Each of those two countries scored 8.4, followed by Denmark and Austria (each with 8.3) and Sweden (8.2).
With an average score of 7.5 on a scale from 0 to 10, satisfaction with accommodation was the second best rated domain by the EU population aged 16 and over, behind satisfaction with personal relationships, Eurostat said in a press release. The lowest rung of the ladder, 0, signifies “not satisfied at all”, while 10 stands for “fully satisfied”.
Data on satisfaction with accommodation come from the ad-hoc module on subjective well-being implemented in the 2013, the EU statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC).
More than two-thirds (70.1%) of the population in the EU lived in owner-occupied dwellings, while 29.9% were renting their dwelling, according to data released by the EU statistical office, Eurostat.
In Bulgaria, the owners/tenants ratio was 84.3/15.7 percent.
The highest shares of the population owning their dwelling were registered in Romania (96.1%), Slovakia (90.3%) and Lithuania (89.9%). At the opposite end were Germany, where 52.5% of the population owned their dwelling, followed by Austria (57.2%), Denmark (63.3%), the UK (64.8%) and France (65.1%).
Population in Bulgaria had the lowest satisfaction with accommodation with a score 6 out of 10. Non-EU Serbia scored 6.2, while EU members Greece and Latvia each scored 6.6.
The highest satisfaction with accommodation in Europe was registered in EU member Finland, followed by non-EU Switzerland. Each of those two countries scored 8.4, followed by Denmark and Austria (each with 8.3) and Sweden (8.2).
With an average score of 7.5 on a scale from 0 to 10, satisfaction with accommodation was the second best rated domain by the EU population aged 16 and over, behind satisfaction with personal relationships, Eurostat said in a press release. The lowest rung of the ladder, 0, signifies “not satisfied at all”, while 10 stands for “fully satisfied”.
Data on satisfaction with accommodation come from the ad-hoc module on subjective well-being implemented in the 2013, the EU statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC).
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Публикувана на 11/24/15 08:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260821_Bulgarians+Least+Happy+with+Accomodation+in+EU+Despite+High+Home+Ownership+Rate
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