Most poor Bulgarians are people with elementary or lower education

Nearly 22% of the Bulgarians live in poverty and another 40% of the population is at risk of poverty. The share of the so-called working poor in Bulgaria amounts to 9.3% and most of these people do not have university degree, Bulgaria’s Minister of Labor and Social Policy and Deputy Premier for Demographic and Social Policies Ivailo Kalfin said at the conference on combat against poverty organized by the Economics and International Relations Institute and Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The large families, the children and the single elderly people are among those who are at highest risk of poverty. 63.5% of the poor people are with elementary or lower education. The third type of criteria is linked with the type of the households. 78.9% of the families with three, or more children are poor, i.e three-quarters of the large families are at poverty risk. Our permanent decisions and policies must be linked with these poverty factors. Apparently, the most important policy is linked with the access to the labor market, Minister Kalfin pointed out.
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