11/25/15 07:52
Sofia Hosts Third International Literary Festival Between November 25-December 13

The Bulgarian capital of Sofia will host for a third consecutive year the Sofia International Literary Festival, which starts on November 25 and will continue until December 13.
This year’s edition is focused on literature from the Iberian Peninsula and will present some of the most popular names in contemporary European literature.
The festival is organised by Bulgarian Book Association and consists of a preparatory part which begins on Wednesday and includes poetry, deuces, discussions, music, cinema and exhibitions.
The official start of the main part of Sofia Literary Festival will be given in the marble lobby of the National Palace of Culture (NDK) in Sofia on December 8.
For one week literature lovers will have the opportunity to meet with more than 50 writers from Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria who will gather in Sofia to promote European literature.
The audience will have the opportunity to meet with José Carlos Somoza, Maite Carranza, José Rodrigues dos Santos and many other poets and writers.
The Festival is organised with the institutional partnership of NDK, Cervantes Institute in Sofia, Camões Institute and with the financial support of Sofia Municipality.
Detailed information about the festival program, participants and events can be found on the website of the festival.
This year’s edition is focused on literature from the Iberian Peninsula and will present some of the most popular names in contemporary European literature.
The festival is organised by Bulgarian Book Association and consists of a preparatory part which begins on Wednesday and includes poetry, deuces, discussions, music, cinema and exhibitions.
The official start of the main part of Sofia Literary Festival will be given in the marble lobby of the National Palace of Culture (NDK) in Sofia on December 8.
For one week literature lovers will have the opportunity to meet with more than 50 writers from Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria who will gather in Sofia to promote European literature.
The audience will have the opportunity to meet with José Carlos Somoza, Maite Carranza, José Rodrigues dos Santos and many other poets and writers.
The Festival is organised with the institutional partnership of NDK, Cervantes Institute in Sofia, Camões Institute and with the financial support of Sofia Municipality.
Detailed information about the festival program, participants and events can be found on the website of the festival.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260850_Sofia+Hosts+Third+International+Literary+Festival+Between+November+25-December+13
Публикувана на 11/25/15 07:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/260850_Sofia+Hosts+Third+International+Literary+Festival+Between+November+25-December+13
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