11/28/15 10:39
Bulgarian National Bank Presents New BGN 2 Coin

The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) presented on Thursday the new BGN 2 coin, which will enter into circulation on December 7.
The coin was presented at a press conference by the Deputy Governor in charge of the Issue Department Kalin Hristov, other bank officials and the author of the artistic design of the coin Vanya Dimitrova.
The presentation served as a launching of the national public awareness campaign on the new coin, which will take place at branches of all commercial banks, post offices, airports, border points, public transport, large chain stores.
The two-component coin is made of metal, with an inner circle of goldish alloy and outer ring of silvery alloy.
The coin has a weight of 9 grammes and a diameter of 26.5 milimetres, with its edge having alternating serrated and flat sectors.
The obverse of the coin depicts the nominal value (2), the inscription LEVA written in Bulgarian and the year of issue (2015).
The reverse of the coin features the stylised image of Paisius of Hilendar, who is also portrayed on the BGN 2 banknote, the years of his life (1722-1773), and the inscriptions PAISIUS OF HILENDAR and BULGARIA written in Bulgarian.
BNB highlights that the BGN 2 banknotes (1999 and 2005 issues) will remain a legal tender circulating in parallel with the coin of the same denomination.
The coin was presented at a press conference by the Deputy Governor in charge of the Issue Department Kalin Hristov, other bank officials and the author of the artistic design of the coin Vanya Dimitrova.
The presentation served as a launching of the national public awareness campaign on the new coin, which will take place at branches of all commercial banks, post offices, airports, border points, public transport, large chain stores.
The two-component coin is made of metal, with an inner circle of goldish alloy and outer ring of silvery alloy.
The coin has a weight of 9 grammes and a diameter of 26.5 milimetres, with its edge having alternating serrated and flat sectors.
The obverse of the coin depicts the nominal value (2), the inscription LEVA written in Bulgarian and the year of issue (2015).
The reverse of the coin features the stylised image of Paisius of Hilendar, who is also portrayed on the BGN 2 banknote, the years of his life (1722-1773), and the inscriptions PAISIUS OF HILENDAR and BULGARIA written in Bulgarian.
BNB highlights that the BGN 2 banknotes (1999 and 2005 issues) will remain a legal tender circulating in parallel with the coin of the same denomination.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261041_Bulgarian+National+Bank+Presents+New+BGN+2+Coin
Публикувана на 11/28/15 10:39 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261041_Bulgarian+National+Bank+Presents+New+BGN+2+Coin
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