11/28/15 10:44
Trips of Bulgarians Abroad, Visits of Foreign Residents Rise in October

The number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad has increased by 11.5% on the year in October, reaching 335,500, the national statistical office NSI announced on Friday.
Forty-three percent of those trips were made with the purpose of education, attendance of sports and cultural events, or visiting friends and relatives. Travel with holiday and recreation purposes accounted for 30.1% of all trips of Bulgarian residents abroad last month, while business trips had a share of 26.6%.
In October, an increase was registered in the number of trips of Bulgarians to Romania (+ 26.2%), the UK (+23.2%), Greece (+by 19.7%) and Germany (+16.8%), while there was a decrease in travel to Russia (-30.3%), Macedonia (- 22.0%) and Serbia (3.6%).
The number of foreign residents visiting Bulgaria increased by 3.6% year-on-year last month, reaching 577,000.
An increase was registered in the number of trips with holiday and recreation purpose (+17.2%) and business trips (+14.7%). Trips with other purposes (education, sports and cultural events, visiting friendfs and relatives) decreased by 7.5%.
ЕU citizens made up nearly 54% of all foreign residents who visited Bulgaria last month, an increase of 2.8% over October 2014, the NSI said in a monthly report.
An increase was registered in the number of visits of citizens of Poland (+18.7%), Germany (+7.9%), the UK (+7.4%), while visits of residents of France decreased by 14.6% and visits of Spanish residents were 14% lower. The Netherlands followed with a drop of 13.6%.
Forty-three percent of those trips were made with the purpose of education, attendance of sports and cultural events, or visiting friends and relatives. Travel with holiday and recreation purposes accounted for 30.1% of all trips of Bulgarian residents abroad last month, while business trips had a share of 26.6%.
In October, an increase was registered in the number of trips of Bulgarians to Romania (+ 26.2%), the UK (+23.2%), Greece (+by 19.7%) and Germany (+16.8%), while there was a decrease in travel to Russia (-30.3%), Macedonia (- 22.0%) and Serbia (3.6%).
The number of foreign residents visiting Bulgaria increased by 3.6% year-on-year last month, reaching 577,000.
An increase was registered in the number of trips with holiday and recreation purpose (+17.2%) and business trips (+14.7%). Trips with other purposes (education, sports and cultural events, visiting friendfs and relatives) decreased by 7.5%.
ЕU citizens made up nearly 54% of all foreign residents who visited Bulgaria last month, an increase of 2.8% over October 2014, the NSI said in a monthly report.
An increase was registered in the number of visits of citizens of Poland (+18.7%), Germany (+7.9%), the UK (+7.4%), while visits of residents of France decreased by 14.6% and visits of Spanish residents were 14% lower. The Netherlands followed with a drop of 13.6%.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261043_Trips+of+Bulgarians+Abroad%2C+Visits+of+Foreign+Residents+Rise+in+October
Публикувана на 11/28/15 10:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261043_Trips+of+Bulgarians+Abroad%2C+Visits+of+Foreign+Residents+Rise+in+October
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