11/30/15 10:43
Bulgaria to be promoted as tourist destination on Indian market: tourism minister

“Bulgaria will be promoted as a tourist destination on the Indian market,” said Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, speaking Monday for Radio FOCUS.
Ms Angelkova has recently paid a visit to India.
The cabinet member added there was already an agreement between India and Bulgaria on a concrete plan for cooperation in the field of tourism.
“We managed to negotiate and sign a concrete action plan containing concrete steps, which we will go ahead with next year. We have discovered the marketing instrument – this is Bollywood for it is highly important for tourists to watch these movies and Bollywood actors are their idols that they follow everywhere,” Ms Angelkova specified.
She explained India was a vast market of some 1.250 billion people.
Nikolina Angelkova added 3 Indian movies had been shot this year in Bulgaria and it had been agreed another 10 would be shot next year.
“We managed to place Bulgaria on the map of world destinations. We have more work to prove we are a loyal partner of big and renowned high-end hotels so that we could attract upper class tourists,” the minister commented.
According to her, Bulgaria needs investments on the part of Indian companies that own high-end hotels.
In her words, this will also draw tourists to the country.
Ms Angelkova has recently paid a visit to India.
The cabinet member added there was already an agreement between India and Bulgaria on a concrete plan for cooperation in the field of tourism.
“We managed to negotiate and sign a concrete action plan containing concrete steps, which we will go ahead with next year. We have discovered the marketing instrument – this is Bollywood for it is highly important for tourists to watch these movies and Bollywood actors are their idols that they follow everywhere,” Ms Angelkova specified.
She explained India was a vast market of some 1.250 billion people.
Nikolina Angelkova added 3 Indian movies had been shot this year in Bulgaria and it had been agreed another 10 would be shot next year.
“We managed to place Bulgaria on the map of world destinations. We have more work to prove we are a loyal partner of big and renowned high-end hotels so that we could attract upper class tourists,” the minister commented.
According to her, Bulgaria needs investments on the part of Indian companies that own high-end hotels.
In her words, this will also draw tourists to the country.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261150_Bulgaria+to+be+promoted+as+tourist+destination+on+Indian+market%3A+tourism+minister
Публикувана на 11/30/15 10:43 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261150_Bulgaria+to+be+promoted+as+tourist+destination+on+Indian+market%3A+tourism+minister
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