Bulgaria Deputy PM: Anti-corruption act allows unsigned signals
“Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB) and the Reformist Bloc unanimously voted in support of the anti-corruption act,” said Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for European Policies Coordination and Institutional Affairs Meglena Kuneva said speaking for bTV.
“This is a political act, it is not my own act. This is an act of the Council of Ministers, which was filed the parliament with the signature of the Prime Minister,” Ms Kuneva remarked.
The Deputy Prime Minister also pointed out that the new act allows the filing of anonymous signals, i.e. unsigned signals.
“It is about anonymous signals but they should provide enough facts and information against someone in order to initiate an inspection,” Meglena Kuneva explained, adding that she could assure the MPs that the investigations would be launched only if there were enough information and facts to do so.
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