12/01/15 15:10
New program to improve work environment in Bulgaria
A total of 41 million euros will be aimed at improving the quality of work environment and at increasing labor productivity in Bulgarian enterprises. This will be possible with the start of one of the most anticipated schemes in the new programming period of the Human Resources Development Operational Program – “Safe and Healthy Working Conditions.” It will start by the end of the year and aims at improving the working environment, work organization and human resource management in Bulgarian companies. This was what Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy Zornitca Russinova said. She took part in a working meeting organized by the Bulgaria Economic Forum. During the meeting Russinova announced that 25 million euros have been provided for financing the training of staff employed in various enterprises.
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Публикувана на 12/01/15 15:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261183_New+program+to+improve+work+environment+in+Bulgaria
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