12/03/15 08:54
One of men connected with airport bomb scare in Bulgaria may return today
One of the men, who abandoned a van at Sofia Airport and caused a bomb scare in Bulgaria, is supposed to land in Bulgaria with a flight arriving from Brussels on Thursday, Nova TV reported.
The investigation revealed that the man bought a return ticket but there is no guarantee that he would use it.
According to experts in security, there is great chance for the bomb threat case, which irritated seriously both the passengers and the police at Sofia Airport, to be in fact a stress-test organised by terrorists so as to check the reaction of the Bulgarian authorities in a critical situation, Nova comments further. If true, Secretary General of the Bulgarian Interior Ministry Georgi Kostov thinks that the services reacted and worked according to the rules.
The chaos around the abandoned van was caused by Sofia Airport’s press officer, who told the media that there was a bomb in the van. The press officer was already dismissed.
The investigation revealed that the man bought a return ticket but there is no guarantee that he would use it.
According to experts in security, there is great chance for the bomb threat case, which irritated seriously both the passengers and the police at Sofia Airport, to be in fact a stress-test organised by terrorists so as to check the reaction of the Bulgarian authorities in a critical situation, Nova comments further. If true, Secretary General of the Bulgarian Interior Ministry Georgi Kostov thinks that the services reacted and worked according to the rules.
The chaos around the abandoned van was caused by Sofia Airport’s press officer, who told the media that there was a bomb in the van. The press officer was already dismissed.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261320_+One+of+men+connected+with+airport+bomb+scare+in+Bulgaria+may+return+today
Публикувана на 12/03/15 08:54 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261320_+One+of+men+connected+with+airport+bomb+scare+in+Bulgaria+may+return+today
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