12/06/15 10:58
Bulgarian Red Cross Youth marks International Volunteer Day

Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) municipal organisations marked International Volunteer Day organising various initiatives, including celebrations, charity initiatives, trainings, and others, at which the activity of volunteers was presented in an appropriate way before members of the local authorities and partners and gratitude was expressed for the efforts they make in the name of humaneness.
December 5 was designated International Volunteer Day by the UN in 1985.
Bulgarian Red Cross Youth (BRCY) did Saturday a demonstration of an evacuation and providing first aid after an earthquake on the occasion of International Volunteer Day marked on December 5 and the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the main fundamental principles of the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC).
The anthem of the Red-Cross organisation was played at the beginning of the special day.
The BRCY members formed several groups afterwards to give the demonstration of a situation in which a jolt of a 5.7-magnitude strikes, causing the collapse of a wall of the National Training Centre of the BRC, and as a result of which people sustain injuries.
The training BRCY members were in charge of the evacuation.
After the people were evacuated to a safe place, they were given drinks and food.
The “injured” people received first aid and the rest of participants in the “natural disaster” – psychological aid.
The event aimed to show the readiness of BRCY volunteers to respond in crisis situations, namely on this special for them day.
The BRC organisation has over 10,000 volunteers in Bulgaria.
December 5 was designated International Volunteer Day by the UN in 1985.
Bulgarian Red Cross Youth (BRCY) did Saturday a demonstration of an evacuation and providing first aid after an earthquake on the occasion of International Volunteer Day marked on December 5 and the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the main fundamental principles of the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC).
The anthem of the Red-Cross organisation was played at the beginning of the special day.
The BRCY members formed several groups afterwards to give the demonstration of a situation in which a jolt of a 5.7-magnitude strikes, causing the collapse of a wall of the National Training Centre of the BRC, and as a result of which people sustain injuries.
The training BRCY members were in charge of the evacuation.
After the people were evacuated to a safe place, they were given drinks and food.
The “injured” people received first aid and the rest of participants in the “natural disaster” – psychological aid.
The event aimed to show the readiness of BRCY volunteers to respond in crisis situations, namely on this special for them day.
The BRC organisation has over 10,000 volunteers in Bulgaria.
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Публикувана на 12/06/15 10:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261458_Bulgarian+Red+Cross+Youth+marks+International+Volunteer+Day+
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