12/06/15 10:19
Car processions protesting against rise in road-use vignette prices held nationwide

Almost 50 vehicles blocked traffic along the Bourgas-Sofia main road just outside the city limits. This is the third protest against the rise in road-use vignette prices.
"There is no economic justification for a rise in the prices of vignettes", the protesters say. "Excise duty is levied on fuels and this money is earmarked precisely for improving road infrastructure,
there is no need to up the price of road-use stickers"
The protest is organized by the association for the protection of small and medium-sized businesses in Bourgas. By comparison, the protests against higher road-use sticker prices which took place last week brought together twice as many vehicles. Protest motorcades were organized in Vidin, where around 150 vehicles drove through the town centre and then blocked the E 79, in Vratsa, Sliven, Pazardjik, Dobrich, Shoumen, Rousse, Blagoevgrad where protesters blocked Strouma highlway for 30 minutes, and elsewhere. The procession in Varna was in protest against high prices in general.
there is no need to up the price of road-use stickers"
The protest is organized by the association for the protection of small and medium-sized businesses in Bourgas. By comparison, the protests against higher road-use sticker prices which took place last week brought together twice as many vehicles. Protest motorcades were organized in Vidin, where around 150 vehicles drove through the town centre and then blocked the E 79, in Vratsa, Sliven, Pazardjik, Dobrich, Shoumen, Rousse, Blagoevgrad where protesters blocked Strouma highlway for 30 minutes, and elsewhere. The procession in Varna was in protest against high prices in general.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261448_Car+processions+protesting+against+rise+in+road-use+vignette+prices+held+nationwide
Публикувана на 12/06/15 10:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261448_Car+processions+protesting+against+rise+in+road-use+vignette+prices+held+nationwide
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