12/07/15 07:39
Some 60% to 70% of Bulgaria’s ABV municipal councillors work with right-wing: Mikov

“At present, 60% to 70% of municipal councillors of the Alternative for Bulgarian Revival (ABV) work with the right-wing,” said Mihail Mikov, Chairperson of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), speaking at a press conference held after the BSP’s seminar in the resort of Borovets this weekend.
The seminar was attended by members of the BSP’s Executive Bureau and representatives of the local authorities.
In his words, the BSP has a group in the Sofia Municipal Council, while the ABV does not.
“We will see how the ABV will take part in municipal councils and what policy it will defend. Our research shows 60% to 70% of ABV municipal councillors work with the right-wing, i.e., this is nothing different from their behaviour during the elections,” the socialist leader noted.
In his view, some ministers could be replaced before Christmas but this will not lead to a change in policies.
The seminar was attended by members of the BSP’s Executive Bureau and representatives of the local authorities.
In his words, the BSP has a group in the Sofia Municipal Council, while the ABV does not.
“We will see how the ABV will take part in municipal councils and what policy it will defend. Our research shows 60% to 70% of ABV municipal councillors work with the right-wing, i.e., this is nothing different from their behaviour during the elections,” the socialist leader noted.
In his view, some ministers could be replaced before Christmas but this will not lead to a change in policies.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261507_Some+60%25+to+70%25+of+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+ABV+municipal+councillors+work+with+right-wing%3A+Mikov
Публикувана на 12/07/15 07:39 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261507_Some+60%25+to+70%25+of+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+ABV+municipal+councillors+work+with+right-wing%3A+Mikov
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