12/07/15 07:29
Turkey's Davutoglu to Visit Bulgaria on December 15

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is due to visit Bulgaria in mid-December to discuss border safety issues.
Davutoglu and his Bulgarian counterpart, Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov, will also talk about the latest EU-Turkey action plan adopted at a special summit in November.
Under the agreements Turkey is stepping up border security and has vowed to curb the migrant flow heading into Greece and Bulgaria through its borders, in return for a visa waiver, revival of EU membership negotiations, and EUR 3 B in aid needed to tackle the migrant crisis.
Sofia is a stop on Davutoglu's way as he is to set off for Brussels for a December 17 meeting with top EU officials.
In accordance with the agreements, Turkey and tje EU are to open another chapter in EU accession talks after the latter had been stalled for years.
Davutoglu and his Bulgarian counterpart, Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov, will also talk about the latest EU-Turkey action plan adopted at a special summit in November.
Under the agreements Turkey is stepping up border security and has vowed to curb the migrant flow heading into Greece and Bulgaria through its borders, in return for a visa waiver, revival of EU membership negotiations, and EUR 3 B in aid needed to tackle the migrant crisis.
Sofia is a stop on Davutoglu's way as he is to set off for Brussels for a December 17 meeting with top EU officials.
In accordance with the agreements, Turkey and tje EU are to open another chapter in EU accession talks after the latter had been stalled for years.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261503_Turkey%27s+Davutoglu+to+Visit+Bulgaria+on+December+15
Публикувана на 12/07/15 07:29 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/261503_Turkey%27s+Davutoglu+to+Visit+Bulgaria+on+December+15
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