02/25/16 14:34
Additional measures are needed in view of the situation at the state border with Turkey: MP with BSP

“I’ve always believed and continue to believe that there are enough other provisions in the Constitution and in the way missions of the armed forces are defined which allow their participation in joint actions with the Ministry of Interior for border security. There are accordingly governmental decrees which determine activities of border protection as strategic activity. State border is part of the strategic infrastructure of the country, i.e. there is sufficient reason for this to be part of the tasks of the Bulgarian Army,” Angel Naydenov commented.
In his words, in view of everything that happens on our state border with Turkey should be taken additional measures, so that the Ministry of Interior to feel at ease.
Asked who will manage the situation along the border with Turkey, Angel Naydenov pointed out that there was no doubt that those who should command military units was the Minister of Defence, Chief of Defence and the commanders of military formations.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/264528_Additional+measures+are+needed+in+view+of+the+situation+at+the+state+border+with+Turkey%3A+MP+with+BSP
Публикувана на 02/25/16 14:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/264528_Additional+measures+are+needed+in+view+of+the+situation+at+the+state+border+with+Turkey%3A+MP+with+BSP
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