02/27/16 08:38
Bulgarian parliament adopted final amendments to the Rail Transport Act
Bulgarian lawmakers adopted Friday final amendments to the Rail Transport Act regulating the definition of the concept of ‘ticket’ and ‘e-ticket’, a reporter ofFOCUS News Agency announced.The amendments provide for transposition of EU directives into national legislation, aiming at creation of single European railway space.
General purpose of the directive is to facilitate participation of the new participants in the rail market and improving competition in for better development and more effective and working passengers and freight railway services.
Another change is set to improve the transparency of the institutional framework of the rail market, to provide effective incentives for sound and sustainable financing. They determine what's ticket and e-ticket. The need for this addition is related to the introduction of the electronic ticket as transport contract in the railway services for the transport of passengers.
Bulgarian lawmakers also adopted second reading amendments to the common organisation of agricultural markets in the European Union Act.
As of April 1, buyers of row milk from producers without registration for processing or resale will be imposed fine between BGN 5,000 and BGN 20,000.
The adopted bill reads that raw cow, sheep, goat and buffalo milk is purchased by first buyers – physical or legal persons who are traders under the Commercial Act and whose objects are registered under the Foodstuffs Act, or use specialised vehicles to purchase milk.
Raw milk bought from first buyers registered in other EU member states, when it is delivered to their territory.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food created and maintains public electronic register of first buyers of raw milk, which is published on the website of the Ministry.
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Публикувана на 02/27/16 08:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/264601_Bulgarian+parliament+adopted+final+amendments+to+the+Rail+Transport+Act
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