Scandal with the Prokopiev's Disgraceful Clique ! Five Year Prison Threatens His Right Hand Yovo Nikolov for the sake of the EUR 2 M Palace.

Five year prison threatens the Мanaging editor of "Capital" Yovo Nikolov for the sake of the concreted clam beach near Sozopol. The specialized department of the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office has begun aninspection on the alert of the Chairman of "Ecoglastnost" Emil Georgiev concerning the destroyed by the journalist rocks at Dalyan Chaika under the art. 278b of the Penal Code. The inspection was assigned to the Regional Prosecutor-Burgas, which in turn is obliged to report periodically to SCP about the inspection progress.
"I am delighted that SCP has ruled so quickly on the alert. This gives hope that our legal system will finally deal with the people destroying systematically the environment. If the Burgas prosecution, however, will look through fingers at the subject, we will approach all responsible institutions in Brussels. The time has come to call to account those who destroy the Bulgarian nature ", said to BLITZ Emil Georgiev.
As the owner of the sea beachfront property near Sozopol, Yovo has savagely concreted the beautiful rocks of Dalyan Chaika, and has so far felt untouchable by the construction laws. The Yovo Nikolov's palace is now estimated to over Euro 2 mln. and makes the beach of Dalyan "Chaika" near Sozopol completely inaccessible from the shore. The property has been acquired at a very low price, not typical for the Black Sea coastal.
We remind, that the property was purchased in 2002 at total BGN 0.69 per square meter. Then the Non government organization "Kolokita" was established with partners Ivo Prokopiev, Philip Harmandjiev and Yovo Nikolov - supporters for utilization of the same name protected zone, located on an area of 650 decares between Sozopol and "Kavatsite".
In 1970 the zone was designated as protected by the Ministry of Forestry and Forest Industry (Order №1754 / 16.06.70), with motifs to preserve the located there numerous extraordinarily beautiful fiords and rock formations, inducing a great interest of the Bulgarian and foreign tourists.
While Philip Harmandzhiev has purchased his land at about BGN 0,49 per sq m, the journalist Yovo Nikolov has risen the price at BGN 0,69 per sq m, and the "Economedia" owner Ivo Prokopiev has reached "the cosmic" price at around BGN 2.00 per sq m.
In 2012, it became known that Ivo Prokopiev and F. Harmandzhiev had privatized the street foreseen for citizens' passage, thus preventing the access to the sea coast. The same action has been carried out by Yovo Nikolov near the Dalyan Chajka, but he managed to surpass his employers in the way of construction. He has surpassed them both in the exceeding the scale of the construction and in the size of the built-up area, as well as in the amount of the concrete poured on the rocks. The access to the beautiful clam beach of Dalyan Chaika is impossible, because of the availability of a concrete path designated as "private ".
Upon inquiry at Sozopol Municipality it became clear that there is no special plan under the Black Sea Coast Construction Act and it is not envisaged a construction of coastal strenghtening, coast protecting and other facilities, as well as buildings on the sea coast.
Meanwhile it became clear, that the owner of "Capital" Ivo Prokopiev's buddy is following confidently the footsteps of the alcoholic writer Kalin Terziyski. Besides the inquiry being conducted against him, shortly before Christmas Nikolov was suddenly left by his wife Iva Petroni. Petroni, who is director of the political office of the Minister of the Culture Rashidov, has madly fallen in love with vice Minister of Culture Boil Banov. Their relationship is serious and they almost are living together.
One of the last public performances of the scandalous journalist was a party, devoted to the "The Golden years of newspaper " 24 Chasa ". At the party organized in the departmental restaurant of the "Gallup" sociological agency were gathered all prominent items of the newspaper from the time before it was sold to the WAZ. Nikolov appeared very drunk in the late hours. His former colleagues tried to talk to him, but it turned out to be mission impossible.
The shock, however, was complete when the inadequate Yovo Nikolov locked himself in the lavatory of the restaurant and the guards had to break down the door, in order to take him out.
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