03/02/16 08:59
Bulgarian law-enforcement services held meeting

“There is a need of cooperation among the services both on central and territorial level,” Bulgarian Interior Minister Rumiana Bachvarova said speaking with journalists after the meeting.
“Today’s meeting is a new form of dialogue and it aims at outlining the major priorities in the work of the Interior Ministry from now on, receiving confirmed political support, which we use as direction for our work, and showing that we really have a very good cooperation with the Prosecutor’s Office, SANS and the other services, which bring good results,” the minister commented further.
In her words, this is the road that the services will follow in the future.
“This cooperation is needed and important for us, both on central and territorial level,” Ms Bachvarova remarked.
Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov added that dialogues, like the one held today, would solve the problems on any level.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who attended the meeting too, refused to comment on what he discussed with the law-enforcement authorities. He left before the end of the meeting saying he said what he had to say before them.
“The formula set by the Prime Minister during today’s meeting, a formula we absolutely accept, is zero tolerance towards crime,” Bulgarian Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov said speaking with journalists.
“This is what we tried to tell people there – that the zero tolerance means everything from solving a heavy robbery at a mall in the capital city Sofia to averting all kind of lawlessness on the streets,” Mr Tsatsarov remarked.
Interior Minister Rumiana Bachvarova, on the other hand, commented that the participants at the meeting made an overall analysis on the internal security in the country.
“The major directions followed by the dialogue were the protection of the public order in the first place,” Mr Tsatsarov remarked, adding that the second focus was the fight against corruption in the high levels of the power.
He commented further that the property crime was another burning issue discussed.
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Публикувана на 03/02/16 08:59 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/264811_Bulgarian+law-enforcement+services+held+meeting
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