03/04/16 08:47
Bulgaria’s Bulgartransgaz EAD to launch modernised Lozenets compressor station
Bulgartransgaz EAD is expected to launch the exploitation of the rehabilitated Lozenets compressor station, the press centre of the Ministry of Energy announced.The modernisation includes the installing of two sets of low-emission gas turbine compressor units as well as the construction of two new compressor workshops.
The official ceremony dedicated to the finalisation of the project is due to start at 1:00 pm on Friday, March 4, at the Lozenets compressor station.
The event will be attended by Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova, Executive Director of Bulgartransgaz EAD Georgi Gegov, representatives of local businesses, and others.
Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has been also invited to attend the ceremony.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/264895_Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+Bulgartransgaz+EAD+to+launch+modernised+Lozenets+compressor+station
Публикувана на 03/04/16 08:47 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/264895_Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+Bulgartransgaz+EAD+to+launch+modernised+Lozenets+compressor+station
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