03/06/16 06:31
Bulgaria to file report to OIE disease free status for classical swine fever
“We have the support of the DG SANTE and over the next week we will present our dossier on the classical swine fever so as to receive a disease free status,” Deputy Minister Grudev remarked.
“Our political ambition is to receive your support and to include the decision for discussion at this year’s assembly. The pork meat market finds itself in an extremely difficult situation, Europe needs new markets,” he said further.
“Our country has been keeping this status for seven years. Obtaining this permit will contribute to the improvement of the situation at the pork meat market with regard to the Russian embargo and the search for new markets for the pig-breeding sector in third countries,” Vasil Grudev explained.
The Bulgarian Deputy Minister expressed his satisfaction with the successful cooperation between the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the OIE in terms of Bulgaria’s working out of the dossier on the animal diseases so as to prove that the country if free of certain disease.
“Over the years of cooperation with the World Organisation for Animal Health the joint work has been highly important for our country. We are member of the Organisation since its very establishment. We appreciate the fact that Bulgaria is an external border of the EU in terms of disease entrance in Europe and we do our best to provide adequate protection. We have the entire scientific and medical security and it is important for us to confirm country’s status as a country free of classical swine fever,” Mr Grudev commented further.
During the meeting the officials also discussed the forthcoming closure of the OIE office in Sofia. The measure comes over the establishment of OIE headquarters in Brussels, which will service all EU member states.
“The closure of the office does not change anything in our cooperation. It rather optimises the activity as the coordination will be realised through the European institutions,” Jean-Philippe Dop explained.
He added that the joint work would continue in terms of organisation of seminars and events, as well as in terms of exchange of experience.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265005_Bulgaria+to+file+report+to+OIE+disease+free+status+for+classical+swine+fever
Публикувана на 03/06/16 06:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265005_Bulgaria+to+file+report+to+OIE+disease+free+status+for+classical+swine+fever
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