03/08/16 06:38
Government vows to uphold rights of Bulgarians employed abroad
Emerging from a meeting of the EU ministers of labor, Bulgarian Social Minister Ivailo Kalfin vowed that the government would uphold the rights of Bulgarian nationals employed abroad by developing a system aimed to track working migrants. The system would make clear who, when and where held a job, and what social security contributions and taxes he or she paid. Ideally, a system of this kind would provide much more information about seasonal workers and would remove them from long-term unemployed statistics in different EU countries, including Bulgaria. The government is going to work for improving the connection of education and employment by giving priority to issues related to recognition of academic diplomas and of professional qualifications, and for improving the connection of education and real life.Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265160_Government+vows+to+uphold+rights+of+Bulgarians+employed+abroad
Публикувана на 03/08/16 06:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265160_Government+vows+to+uphold+rights+of+Bulgarians+employed+abroad
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