03/08/16 06:35
Sofia strives for green policies in all sectors to achieve a better quality of life: Sofia Mayor

Fandakova thanked the Chamber for this initiative.
“For me and my team is important to communicate directly with the business. We organize such meetings periodically, but this is the first in the new term," specified Fandakova and expressed hope the meeting to give good results.
The round table discussion was attended by some of the members of Sofia Mayor’s team – Lyubomir Hristov, deputy mayor for Transport and Transport Communication; Maria Boyadizhiyska, deputy mayor for Green System, Ecology and Land Use; Doncho Barbalov, deputy mayor for Finance and Business; Architect Boyka Kadrev, acting chief architect of Sofia Municipality;
Yordanka Fandakova reminded that the goal was to develop the full potential of the city to make it more attractive for business.
“We have been investing in road infrastructure and traffic calming over the recent years, as well as in energy efficiency in buildings, modernisation and expansion of educational institutions, various activities and sports for children and young people. We invest in the development of the cultural heritage tourism,” the Mayor specified.
Yordanka Fandakova noted that in terms of ecology and purity of air, Sofia Municipality has taken major commitments and cited as an example the construction the subway in Sofia.
“Our biggest project is the metro which total length is 39 km, and after 4-5 months its length will exceed 40 km because by the end of July will be completed the project on Cherni Vrah Blvd. We expected more 20,000 people to enjoy the most environmentally friendly public transport,” the Mayor stated.
In her words, gas emissions would reduce with over 90,000 tons per year after commission of the new metro stations.
“This year we proceed with the programme to reduce gas emissions and will work on traffic calming,” she added.
According to her, a very important programme is that of upgrading public transport.
“The bus fleet is almost entirely renovated. We began with the renovation of trams. We have signed contracts for five new modernised trams,” Yordanka Fandakova noted.
The Sofia Mayor presented the Bulgarian-Nordic Chamber of Commerce the idea of implementing an innovative system for traffic management.
“Sofia has the potential to become a digital market capital in the South Eastern Europe,” Yordanka Fandakova said further.
Fandakova presented major directions of the Municipality’s activities for the development of the capital.
“We have ambitions to develop competitive power of our city. We identified our sectors for development for which we will take special measures,” Yordanka Fandakova said.
In her words, this will happen jointly with the Investment Agency.
“We rely on the creation of better business environment. We have ambitions to develop the IT sector, pharmacy. We are willing to boost any kind of investment,” she added.
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