03/10/16 06:08
Bulgaria President to meet with CEDB party within Month of Political Consultations

The consultations will be focused on the priorities of the parliamentary groups for 2016.
President Plevneliev, on the other hand, will raise the following issues for discussion:
- Current political situation in the country and perspectives;
- Measures that will be continued in 2016 in connection with the reforms in the fields of justice and internal order; fight against corruption; administrative reform and electronic government; healthcare; education; pension reform; reform in the water sector;
- Other measures within the implementation of the strategic goals and priorities of Bulgaria 2020 National Development Programme and the start of the preparatory works on Bulgaria 2030.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265254_Bulgaria+President+to+meet+with+CEDB+party+within+Month+of+Political+Consultations
Публикувана на 03/10/16 06:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265254_Bulgaria+President+to+meet+with+CEDB+party+within+Month+of+Political+Consultations
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