03/10/16 06:11
Bulgarian MP Iliya Iliev gives up on his immunity against prosecution

Mr Ililev’s move comes over a request filed by Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov.
The politician said he had no concerns but the situation was unpleasant for his family.
Asked whether he would leave the parliament, Mr Iliev said he would.
“As you see, many things do not depend on us. The decisions come from the ruling and I do not think that my presence is of such a great importance. I will not allow being turned into someone’s target,” Iliya Iliev commented further.
“Let the prosecution and the court do their job,” he remarked, adding that he felt insulted.
“I have never been summoned for questioning, while suddenly when I became member of the parliament it turned out that I am guilty about things that happened 8-10 years ago. Last time my immunity was targeted was over the fact that my deceased father gave me a motorcycle and a car,” the politician explained.
Earlier this week Bulgarian Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov submitted to the National Assembly a request to waive the immunity of MP from the Parliamentary Group of Movement for Rights and Freedom (MRF) Iliya Iliev.
In the course of an investigation the District Prosecution Office in the city of Ruse and Sofia City Prosecutor's Office collected evidence showing that Iliya Iliev is an accomplice (helper) of committing embezzlement in particularly large size, representing a heavy crime and subject of continuing crime.
In the period 2007 - 2009 Iliya Iliev was councillor, but was acting as stooge controlled by three companies - Rozaliya MM Ltd., Energy Group2003 Ltd. and Construction and Investment Ltd. These companies have inked four contracts for construction works, which have not been performed by companies controlled by Iliev, as contractors, but rather by employees of the contracting authorities themselves.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265255_Bulgarian+MP+Iliya+Iliev+gives+up+on+his+immunity+against+prosecution
Публикувана на 03/10/16 06:11 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265255_Bulgarian+MP+Iliya+Iliev+gives+up+on+his+immunity+against+prosecution
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