03/12/16 05:54
Bulgaria Deputy PM attends business forum in Zurich
“I felt proud of the potentialities and achievements of our IT sector,” said Mr Kalfin, speaking after the forum.
Representatives of leading Swiss companies invited to the event strongly applauded the young and educated people with great professional skills who delivered presentations of Bulgarian companies.
“I am certain this meeting will be the beginning of a successful business partnership between Bulgarian and Swiss companies,” Minister Kalfin stated.
The meeting was organised due to the efforts of Meglena Plugchieva, Bulgarian Ambassador to Switzerland, with the participation of the Bulgarian Outsourcing Association.
“Bulgaria was declared in 2015 the best outsourcing destination,” Minister Kalfin commented.
He added its attractiveness should be intensively promoted to draw more foreign companies to invest in the country.
“We are not here to persuade Swiss business to relocate to Bulgaria but to stimulate the partnership between companies from the two countries so that they can both profit,” the government member was explicit.
Mr Kalfin expressed his high opinion of Switzerland’s experience in the development of high technologies and the establishment of clusters.
“Bulgaria makes efforts to develop this sector; the first tech park has already been established in the country; we are willing to form partnership with Switzerland to use its rich experience,” he clarified.
“Bulgaria is an attractive destination due to a combination of factors that make investments in the country fast to recoup. Taxes are among the lowest ones in Europe – [there is] a flat tax rate of 10% and a corporate tax rate of 10%. Tax relief is even greater in the regions with high unemployment rates,” the official pointed out.
Ivaylo Kalfin added there were over 80,000 highly-qualified Bulgarian students abroad that would return to Bulgaria if they were offered attractive jobs in the IT sector.
“Almost half the population speaks at least one foreign language, while young people speak even more [languages],” the minister said further.
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