03/14/16 07:05
Democrats for Strong Bulgaria to remain in Reformist Bloc, but stay in opposition
The news broke at the XIV National Assembly of the DSB held in the capital city Sofia on Sunday,FOCUS News Agency journalist reported.
During the sitting the party adopted new rules of regulation. It confirmed its participation in the Reformist Bloc coalition, as well as its decision to stay outside the government and be oppositional party.
The party chairperson and its leadership, on the other hand, were assigned with the task to hold negotiations on organisational unity and adopt new organisational structure.
The DSB also upheld its platform of a modern rightist party.
The sitting was also attended by representatives of the other parties within the Reformist Bloc – Bulgaria of the Citizens Movement, the Union of Democratic Forces, Freedom and Dignity People’s Party and BZNS.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265510_Democrats+for+Strong+Bulgaria+to+remain+in+Reformist+Bloc%2C+but+stay+in+opposition
Публикувана на 03/14/16 07:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265510_Democrats+for+Strong+Bulgaria+to+remain+in+Reformist+Bloc%2C+but+stay+in+opposition
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