03/14/16 07:04
Leadership of Bulgarian Socialist Party held sitting
National Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) hold a sitting on Sunday. During the meeting BSP Chairperson Mihail Mikov commented on burning political issues and the state of the party. The focus was put on the criticism at the ruling power.“Ruling coalition’s flimsy construction faces more and more difficulties,” Mihail Mikov said speaking at the sitting.
Mr Mikov did not exclude the risk of new snap parliamentary elections.
“With our no confidence motion and the numerous arguments presented we proved government’s failure in the healthcare sector. The model of the current healthcare service in Bulgaria was established in 1999 and since then the number of the Bulgarian citizens has decreased by 2 million,” Mihail Mikov remarked.
In his words, the quality of the healthcare in Bulgaria has seriously deteriorated and fewer and fewer Bulgarians have access to it.
“Let there be a discussion on the candidates on all levels but we should not allow this discussion distract the attention from the big issues that people expect us to solve,” said Mihail Mikov.
“We need stronger self-esteem. A self-esteem that is not built only on the 125-year history of the party but also on the fact that in the current political situation the BSP is the only party that can offer different development of the country,” the politician said further.
“It is time, there is critical mass, and we have to declare ourselves as the only alternative to the current government,” he commented further.
In his words, the BSP should establish a stronger position not only as an oppositional party but also as the alternative to the current status quo and government.
“It is time, there is critical mass, and we have to declare ourselves as the only alternative to the current government. This naturally turns us into the centre of alternative leftist policy which Bulgaria needs. We become the alternative of the neoliberal status quo, which is already denied in more and more countries in Europe and the world. That is why we need stronger mobilisation,” Mihail Mikov said.
“Suspension of public procurements is an indication that there is not enough money,” the politician pointed out.
“Suspension of productions at the verbal order of the prime minister builds on the doctrine for prime minister’s veto, which now entered into the real economy,” Mihail Mikov commented further.
The BSP leader stressed that apart from being illegal, the suspension of the public procurements pointed at money deficit.
“Halting the procedures aims at unburdening the state budget for this year because of the inability to service the debts under the stopped projects and applying propaganda effect as if the ties with the oligarchs, who are in the core of the current government, are broken,” Mihail Mikov said.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265509_Leadership+of+Bulgarian+Socialist+Party+held+sitting
Публикувана на 03/14/16 07:04 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265509_Leadership+of+Bulgarian+Socialist+Party+held+sitting
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