03/16/16 06:29
Bulgaria deputy minister opens exhibition of children’s paintings over World Consumer Rights Day

The paintings reveal unfair actions and how dangerous goods and faulty pieces of goods impact people but also traders’ good practices.
The exhibition was officially opened by Ms Vezieva and Dimitar Margaritov, Chairman of the Commission for Consumer Protection. It was also attended by Commission for Consumer Protection members Konstantin Arabadzhiev and Konstantin Raykov.
Children that did the paintings also took part in the opening. They are pupils in fifth and sixth grade from a school in Sofia.
The headmaster of the school was present at the event as well.
“Showing what consumers’ rights are and providing more information to them about where and how they can seek them is a priority in the work of the Ministry of Economy,” said Deputy Minister Vezieva, speaking at the exhibition.
“Today’s initiative is part of our civil education as we should know our rights and have the ability and strength to defend them from an early age,” the official commented.
She expressed his gratitude to the pupils who showed through the paintings their civil position on what risky goods are and how people should protect themselves from them.
Daniela Vezieva stated the Ministry of Economy along with the Commission for Consumer Protection worked so that Bulgarians could gain more knowledge of their rights and commented the commission’s staff had done a lot in the past year so that it became an institution whose work consumers could benefit from.
“The Commission for Consumer Protection performed over 3,300 safety inspections last year and protected consumers from some 200 risky goods and services. The share of goods connected with children stands at about 40%,” she announced.
It transpired from her words the Commission for Consumer Protection had banned as many unfair commercial practices in different economic sectors.
“These results attest to stepped-up prevention activities, which consumers benefit from,” Vezieva added.
Dimitar Margaritov, Chairman of the Commission for Consumer Protection, expressed his hope initiatives of the kind would direct citizens’ attention to their consumer rights and give them confidence to safeguard them.
He declared the commission’s readiness to cooperate in each case in which consumer rights were violated.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265624_Bulgaria+deputy+minister+opens+exhibition+of+children%E2%80%99s+paintings+over+World+Consumer+Rights+Day+
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