03/16/16 06:32
Bulgaria energy minister gives public lecture to UNWE students

The ceremony took place at the UNWE building in the capital Sofia.
The document will encourage the educational exchange of good practices and standards in the energy sector and the field of nuclear safety and security.
Minister Petkova delivered a public lecture themed The Energy Sector – A Main Sector of the Bulgarian Economy to UNWE students after the official ceremony.
The government member outlined Bulgaria’s leading priorities in the sector.
The energy minister introduced the students attending the meeting to the measures the government took to further the development of the Bulgarian energy sector and replied to questions about central issues in the field.
“Due to the taken legislative measures on the part of the government to stabilise the financial state of the sector, the Bulgarian energy sector is today moving in the right direction,” the official said.
“As a result of inconsistent and frequently economically ungrounded decisions, substantial financial deficits were amassed in the sector,” Temenuzhka Petkova noted.
In her words, all adopted legislative measures aim at financial stabilisation of the sector.
“Due to the reforms carried through in the past year, the National Electricity Company (NEK) has for the first time in a long time achieved a positive result in its regulatory activity and decreased its loss by BGN 360 million in 2015,” Petkova pointed out.
Part of the presented measures aiming at tackling the lack of balance in the energy sector included the positive results of state-owned energy companies, renegotiating the conditions in the long-term agreements with the two US power plants, and the forthcoming providing of financial resources on the part of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to settle debts in the system.
Minister Petkova pointed to diversification of sources and routes for natural gas deliveries as another leading priority in the sector.
“We do intensive work on the modernisation of our national gas infrastructure and on the development of inter-system connectivity between Bulgaria and its neighbours,” Ms Petkova remarked further.
She put emphasis on Bulgaria’s progress in work on the realisation of interconnectors with Greece, Romania, Turkey, and Serbia.
“Inter-system connectivity and the well-developed national gas transmission network are prerequisites for building a gas distribution centre on the territory of the country,” the official added.
In addition to these projects, Minister Temenuzhka Petkova also laid emphasis on the extraction of own natural resources in potential fields in the deep Black Sea – the blocks of Han Asparuh and Silistar.
“You know well the principles on the basis of which prices of goods and services are formed and you can understand if Bulgarian energy resources are used in the Bulgarian economy, their prices will be more competitive and reasonable. And this impacts the prices of products the industry manufactures,” the official was explicit.
She pointed out the realisation of projects the Bulgarian government worked on would ensure the diversification of energy resources in the country, which would guarantee security and competitive prices.
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Публикувана на 03/16/16 06:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265625_Bulgaria+energy+minister+gives+public+lecture+to+UNWE+students
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