03/16/16 06:35
Economically active people aged 15 - 64 3,276.0 thousand in Bulgaria in 2015

• The total number of employed persons stood at 3,031.9 thousand, representing 49.1% of population aged 15 and over.
• There were 2,973.5 thousand employed persons aged 15 - 64. The employment rate for the same age group was 62.9% (65.9% for men and 59.8% for women).
• The employment rate for the age group 20 - 64 years was 67.1%, by 2.0 percentage points higher compared to 2014. The employment rate (20 - 64 years) increased by 2.3 percentage points for men and by 1.8 percentage points for women, achieving 70.4 and 63.8% respectively.
• The employment rate for people aged 55 - 64 was 53.0%, which was by 3.0 percentage points higher than in 2014 (by 2.3 percentage points for men and 3.5 percentage points for women).
• There were 305.1 thousand unemployed persons, of whom 174.2 thousand were men and 130.9 thousand were women.
• The unemployment rate went down by 2.3 percentage points in comparison with 2014 and reached 9.1%. The unemployment rate decreased by 2.5 percentage points for men and by 2.0 percentage points for women, achieving 9.8 and 8.4% respectively.
• The unemployment rate for the age group 15 - 24 years was 21.6%, and for the age group 15 – 29 years - 14.4%. The unemployment rates for these age groups declined by 2.2 and 3.3 percentage points respectively, compared to 2014.
• The number of long-term unemployed persons (unemployed one year and over) was 187.0 thousand, representing 61.3% of all unemployed. The long-term unemployment rate was 5.6% (6.1% for men and 5.0% for women).
• The number of economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 was 1,450.6 thousand, of whom 639.5 thousand men and 811.1 thousand women. The inactivity rate (15 - 64 years) was 30.7% (26.8% for men and 34.6% for women).
• The number of discouraged persons aged 15 - 64 was 170.0 thousand.
• The share of early leavers from education and training of population aged 18 - 24 was 13.4%.
• The share of population aged 30 - 34, having completed tertiary education was 32.1%.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265627_Economically+active+people+aged+15+-+64+3%2C276.0+thousand+in+Bulgaria+in+2015
Публикувана на 03/16/16 06:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265627_Economically+active+people+aged+15+-+64+3%2C276.0+thousand+in+Bulgaria+in+2015
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