03/17/16 06:26
Repeal of CVM monitoring on Bulgaria was discussed at EP

William Sleath outlined two accents which realisation are expected to achieve results: The strategy for judicial reform and the strategy for fighting corruption.
The EU Commission adopts satisfactory voted in the Bulgarian Parliament amendments to the Constitution leading to the restructuring of the Supreme Judicial Council. It is expected the adoption of the law package concerning the Judicial System Act.
According to William Sleath, there is a lot to achieve in the field of judicial ethics, and he thinks adoption of the rejected by the National Assembly in September last year Law on Anti-Corruption in the high level of power, as a test.
He added that the EC recognised as a positive step the strategy to reform the judicial system, but it was important emblematic high-level corruption cases to end in convictions.
2016 is an important year for the European Commission to test the judiciary system. The judiciary showed its professionalism in general, but there was uncertainty over the implementation of the adopted two years ago, amendments to the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. As a good example for combating corruption, William Sleath, pointed the investigation of City Hall in Bucharest. However, he evaluated the progress of both countries - Bulgaria and Romania as insufficiently sustainable.
The rapporteur for Bulgaria's accession to the EU in 2007, Geoffrey Van Orden, blacken in his statement that from that monitoring should remain the lessons that could be applied and served for other member states with similar changes. He disagreed with the continuation of monitoring and asked the question: what are the main problems that prevent the progress in question?
Bulgarian MEP Angel Dzhambazki emphatically insisted on the removal of the monitoring on Bulgaria, as it has become a tool for servicing closely party interests - in the EU and in Bulgaria.
Statement made by Monica Macovei, who asked for the mechanism to remain in power, arguing that it was in the service not of politicians but of citizens in both countries, remained solely standing amid strong criticism and questions.
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Публикувана на 03/17/16 06:26 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265670_Repeal+of+CVM+monitoring+on+Bulgaria+was+discussed+at+EP+
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