03/19/16 08:07

Bulgaria President addresses parliament – comments

 On Friday, March 18, President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev made an address before the 43rd National Assembly to present the results of his traditional initiative the Month of Political Consultations with representatives of the parliamentary represented parties.
During the talks the Bulgarian Head of State had raised for discussion several major issues – the current political situation in the country and the perspectives; measures for continuing the reforms in the field of justice and home affairs in 2016; fight against corruption; administrative reform and electronic government; healthcare, education, pension reform and reform in the water sector; other measures for implementation of the strategic goals and priorities under the Bulgaria 2020 National Development Programme and the start of the preparatory works on Bulgaria 2030.
A number of politicians made comments on the address after it was delivered.

“What economy will we develop in a country in which the demographic catastrophe is a fact? Hundreds of young fit for work Bulgarians leave the country every day,” Krasimir Karakachanov, MP with the Patriotic Front and leader of the VMRO party, said, reading a declaration at parliament on behalf of his parliamentary group.
“The main problem is the demographic one. Not only because we will be responsible before history some day for it was namely this generation that allowed Bulgarians to be a minority after 25 years. If we speak about economy, which investors will come to invest in a country that does not have the needed qualified workforce?,” Karakachanov commented.
He also paid attention to the spreading conventional crime, stating large part of it was namely generated by the worsening lack of balance in a demographic aspect.

“We should all make maximum efforts so that there is greater “energy efficiency” in the National Assembly’s activity,” Mustafa Karadaya, MP with the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) and MRF lawmaker, said, also reading a declaration at parliament on behalf of his parliamentary group.
In Karadaya’s words, it transpires from the President’s summary the Month of Political Consultations meetings are necessary.
According to the MRF official, each parliamentary formation presents its programme for the respective year before the President.

“The head of state entirely followed the policy of one party - the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB) - during his mandate,” Mihail Mikov, Chairperson of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) Leftist Bulgaria, noted. He read a declaration at parliament on behalf of his parliamentary group, too.
“He [the President] fought against the government of [Plamen] Oresharski and vetoed the state budget act, which is a precedent in our modern history. We vetoed the monopoly law to protect the big [commercial] chains and the CEDB is today saying it will not back him and the Vice President for another mandate,” Mihail Mikov noted.
In his statement, the socialists’ leader put emphasis on a recent report of the European Commission (EC), in which Bulgaria is found to be experiencing an excessive imbalance.
“It outlines the problems of poverty and unemployment as extremely serious and grave. Special attention to paid to the demographic catastrophe developing in Bulgaria under the CEDB’s government, under the second cabinet led by Boyko Borisov,” Mihail Mikov noted.
According to him, the majority deliberately evades all legislative initiative of BSP Leftist Bulgaria aiming at improving the demographic situation in the country.

“Let us not focus too much on the forthcoming presidential elections but contribute as MPs to regional development,” Tsvetan Tsvetanov, CEDB Deputy Chairperson and Chairperson of the CEDB parliamentary group, commented, speaking before journalists.
Tsvetanov opined when the President made an address at the Bulgarian parliament, this was a sign of respect for the National Assembly and respect should be also shown for him.
The CEDB official commented he was surprised by the fact his BSP Leftist Bulgaria were not present in the plenary hall.
As regards the political consultations, Tsvetanov commented there was no political party that had taken part in them and had not expressed its high opinion of the items on the agenda.
He expressed the CEDB’s high opinion of the President’s statement on behalf of the CEDB parliamentary group.
Tsvetanov also recalled the approved law on school and pre-school education.
In his words, an energy sector law has made it possible for the National Electricity Company (NEK) not to amass a deficit in the last 5 months of 2015 but generate profits.
The politician also laid emphasis on the benefits of the National Energy Efficiency Programme and opined the new measures in the security sector would aim at conventional crimes.
Tsvetan Tsvetanov also recalled the constitutional amendments, explaining this was called a political consensus.
According to him, small regional problems should not be forgotten when speaking about important topics.

“Alternative for Bulgarian Revival (ABV) is against any confrontation,” said Mariana Todorova, Chairperson of the ABV parliamentary group, speaking on behalf of her parliamentary group.
“We hail the tradition of political consultations and think it is good,” Ms Todorova commented.
“It is highly important for us agreement and unification are sought as unification is realised by the head and state and it is only him that can initiate and catalyse unanimous decisions,” Todorova noted.
In her words, the ABV finds the 2030 strategy very important.
“We also think we can look beyond it and think about a Bulgaria 2050 strategy as all challenges the world is faced with require thinking about the more distant future,” the MP opined.
Todorova said the ABV shared the President’s opinion of the implemented pension reform as well as of the package of laws in the security sector.
In her words, energy efficiency is important but the energy projects Bulgaria should not give up need to be discussed.
As regards the healthcare reform, the lawmaker commented there were still things to do.
Mariana Todorova announced she shared the view education was a key priority.
The ABV hailed the President’s intention to convene a sitting of the Consultative Council on National Security over the demographic policy.
“We would like to recall Deputy Prime Minister Ivaylo Kalfin is ready with the updated strategy for demographic policy and the 2016 action plan,” Todorova remarked.
As regards the refugee crisis, the MP said the ABV had requested a sitting of the Consultative Council on National Security and on internal and external security is convened and regretted their request had not been heard.

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