03/19/16 08:04
Bulgarian tobacco producers prepare for protests

FOCUS News Agency publishes the full text of the declaration:
“The National Tobacco Growers Association – NAT 2010 and the Union of Producers of oriental tobacco in Bulgaria (SPOT BG) urge leaders and representatives of political forces to stop dealing with political discourse against Bulgartabac and tinkering with tobacco producers. Statements of recent days made by the Democrats for Strong Bulgaria (DSB) which aims at gaining popularity and electoral sympathies leads to the opposite effect and can be classified as tinkering with the fates of thousands of Bulgarian families.”
It is noteworthy that the tobacco sector is extremely sensitive to any malicious rumours and even more expressed on behalf of senior politicians and officials.
Bulgartabac announced that it will reduce the quantities of tobacco purchased from Bulgarian producers by 80 percent. That decision will have direct impact on the Bulgarian tobacco growers. Bulgartabac paid off BGN 103 million over the past five years. If the company stops buying tobacco in the same volumes, this means that over 15% percent, about 4 million kg., worth over BGN 20 million of the tobacco produced in the country will not be purchased.
Bulgartabac is the only Bulgarian company operating in both the field of purchasing, processing and sale of tobacco and the tobacco products sector.
The company is the only one which annually buys tobacco of all variety types, which are produced in Bulgaria and has always been a natural corrective of market demand and prices of Bulgarian tobaccos, as well as a barrier for speculative transactions by random operators on the market.
Bulgartabac has always responded and helped manufacturers and has initiated numerous initiatives for the promotion of Bulgarian tobacco.
The National Tobacco Growers Association – NAT 2010 and the Union of Producers of oriental tobacco in Bulgaria (SPOT BG) warn that damaging the prestige of any responsible company dealing with tobacco purchase but especially of Bulgartabac will bring only negatives to the country as demand reduction will lead to deprivation of income for thousands of Bulgarian families.
We ask are DSB politicians ready to bear their responsibility for:
1. Depriving of livelihood and income for thousands of families of tobacco growers;
2. Depriving the economy of the Republic of Bulgaria annually of more than BGN 20 million as a result of not realised production;
3. The closure of more Bulgarian companies;
4. Turning many hardworking citizens into unemployed.
We are ready to Protest! And we are convinced that all 200,000 tobacco growers will support us because we are all concerned!
The politics should always support production and it must not be the case that economic operators or producers to suffer. If Bulgartabac leaves tobacco purchase market we indeed will have a problem. That is what Minister of Agriculture and Food, Desislava Taneva, told journalists in connection with information that Bulgartabac halts sales to the Middle East as of April 1, which will affect Bulgarian tobacco production.
Asked whether there are signals submitted from worried tobacco producers, the Minister specified: This campaign is not over. We have not yet taken the appropriate decisions, because we are waiting for a court decision on the distribution of assistance. The campaign is still ongoing and there are quantities that are not purchased. We are in constant communication with various purchasers on the market, not just Bulgartabac. There are 6 or 7 such companies operating on the Bulgarian market.”
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265801_Bulgarian+tobacco+producers+prepare+for+protests
Публикувана на 03/19/16 08:04 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/265801_Bulgarian+tobacco+producers+prepare+for+protests
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