03/25/16 07:32
Bulgaria parliament passes amendments to Tobacco and Tobacco Products Act at 2nd reading

The lawmakers held no debates on the legislation.
There will be a cap on the level of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide, and the methods for measuring them.
Producers and importers of tobacco products have to present a list of all ingredients and their amounts used in the production of tobacco products.
There has to be a declaration in addition to the lists containing the grounds for making these ingredients part of the respective tobacco products and the respective toxicological data on the ingredients.
As regards certain supplements to cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco included in a priority list, there will be extended notification.
A ban is introduced on presenting, offering, and selling cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco with typical taste and aroma qualities and on ones containing supplements.
Health warnings have to be put on every consumer’s and external package of the tobacco products.
Requirements concerning their contents, format, size, font size, and design are also introduced.
The labeling on consumer’s and external packages of the tobacco products and on the products must not contain elements or similar things that advertise the respective tobacco product or encourage its use, creating a wrong impression about its characteristics.
Producers and importers of new tobacco products have to notify the Ministry of Economy of each new tobacco product they intend to launch.
The notification has to be electronic and has to be given six months before the launching of the respective product.
Producers and importers also have to present a detailed description of new tobacco products, instructions on their use, and information about their ingredients and emissions.
The amendments also ban commercial announcements in the press and other print publications that aim to popularise electronic cigarettes and tobacco product containers that can be refilled.
Advertising electronic cigarettes in radio and television broadcasts is also banned.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/266141_Bulgaria+parliament+passes+amendments+to+Tobacco+and+Tobacco+Products+Act+at+2nd+reading
Публикувана на 03/25/16 07:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/266141_Bulgaria+parliament+passes+amendments+to+Tobacco+and+Tobacco+Products+Act+at+2nd+reading
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