03/28/16 05:28
Minister Bachvarova: We have no reason to put up a fence along border with Greece
“We have no reason to put up a fence along the border with Greece, that is an internal EU border and the situation is now such that the risk coming from that country is more potential than real”, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Rumiana Bachvarova in an interview for bTV channel. She added that she was in constant contact with the Greek ministers – over the refugee problem and over internal issues – and that they were constantly informing the Bulgarian side of any possible change in the situation and the necessity of measures being taken. “With these 100 percent inspections we have been conducting, that is a form of closing the border”, Minister Bachvarova said, answering a question whether the border with Turkey might be closed.Earlier in the day Prime Minister Borissov said he was against putting up a fence along the border with an EU country like Greece but that at the same time “people are expecting us to protect our border.”
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/266257_Minister+Bachvarova%3A+We+have+no+reason+to+put+up+a+fence+along+border+with+Greece
Публикувана на 03/28/16 05:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/266257_Minister+Bachvarova%3A+We+have+no+reason+to+put+up+a+fence+along+border+with+Greece
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