06/01/18 06:01
World Universities Reputation Rankings 2018
Overall, the results of the 2018 World Reputation Rankings are relatively stable, with the same US and UK universities claiming the top eight places. The only change is that the University of Oxford drops slightly from joint fourth to fifth place, to fall behind the University of Cambridge. The University of Chicago remains in ninth place for the second year but it is joined by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), which makes the top 10 for the first time since 2014, after rising four places. The US still dominates the table with 44 universities, up from 42 last year, although it is worth noting that this year’s table includes 105 universities, four more than last year, as a result of joint scores.Прочети цялата новина http://www.eurochicago.com/2018/06/world-reputation-rankings-2018/
Публикувана на 06/01/18 06:01 http://www.eurochicago.com/2018/06/world-reputation-rankings-2018/
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