03/20/11 19:21
MEYS to regulate part-time learning in the 11th and 12th grade

Sonya Stamboliyska
Students in the 11th and 12th grade can attend part-time and distance learning courses. This educational measure is a part of the new concept of school education which was drawn out by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (MEYS). "This educational option will be very convenient for young people who after the 10th grade interrupted their education in order to work." This was announced yesterday at a seminar of the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers in the Borovets resort by Assen Alexandrov, MEYS Adviser on the matters of secondary education, as well as a Headmaster of 51st General Secondary School in the Sofia capital. In this way, those people will be able to return to the school environment without going back in classrooms. Alexandrov added that this would increase the mobility of students who would be able to learn simultaneously under various educational programmes.
"For example, if a child moves from a school offering Italian language courses into another in which no such is provided, he\she will be able to continue studying the language under a part-time or distance educational programme," explained the Headmaster. The concept also envisages that once the students finish the 10th grade and pass external tests, they will be given a certificate of completion of the first secondary school level. Afterwards, they could continue their education in special classes in vocational schools.
"Thus, additional classes will be formed in schools to prepare the children for their university admission," commented Alexandrov. This measure also enables the primary schools providing education up to the 8th grade, to continue teaching children up to the 10th grade. In this way, the number of 16-year old secondary school graduates will increase. Nearly 500 schools will be able to take advantage of the new structure of education.
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Публикувана на 03/20/11 19:21 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162815_MEYS+to+regulate+part-time+learning+in+the+11th+and+12th+grade+
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